Weekly update | African listed companies, executive appointments (w/c 15 Jul)
Recent appointing companies include AngloGold Ashanti Plc, Firstrand Namibia Ltd, Vodacom Group Ltd and Diamond Trust Bank Ltd.
AngloGold Ashanti Plc (NYSE:AU; JSE:ANG; GSE:AGA) has appointed two new directors: Mr Bruce Cleaver as an independent non-executive director and Ms Nicky Newton-King as an independent non-executive director. AngloGold is listed on the New York, Johannesburg and Ghana stock exchanges. Read the full announcement.
Mondi Plc (LSE:MDNI; JSE:MNP), a packaging and paper group, has appointed Ms Sucheta Govil as an independent non-executive director. Mondi is listed on the London and Johannesburg stock exchanges. Read the full announcement.
Eterna Plc (NGX:ETERNA), a petrochemicals manufacturer, has appointed two new directors: Mr. Okechukwu Ashiegbu as chief operating officer and executive director and Mrs Bunmi Agagu-Adu as an executive director. Eterna is listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Read the full announcement.
Firstrand Namibia Limited (NSX:FNB) has appointed Ms Samantha Lee Balsdon as a non-executive director of the company and First National Bank of Namibia Limited. Firstrand Namibia is listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange. Read the full announcement.
Letshego Holdings Namibia Limited (NSX:LHN) has appointed Mr Jerome Mutumba as an independent non-executive director. Letshego Holdings Namibia is listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange. Read the full announcement.
Letshego Holdings Namibia Limited (NSX:LHN) has appointed Mr Johannes Jacobus Esterhuyse as an independent non-executive director. Letshego Holdings Namibia is listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange. Read the full announcement.
First National Bank of Botswana Limited (BSE:FNBB) has appointed Ms Keneilwe Patricia Mere as an independent non-executive director. FNBB is listed on the Botswana Stock Exchange. Read the full announcement.
Infinity Trust Mortgage Bank Plc (NGX:INFINITY) has appointed Mrs Ngozi Chukwu as acting managing director/CEO. Infinity Trust is listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Read the full announcement.
Diamond Trust Bank Limited (NSE:DTK) has appointed Mr Uday Bhasin as a non-executive director. Diamond Trust is listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Read the full announcement.
Jaiz Bank Plc (NGX:JAIZBANK) has appointed Mr Haruna Musa as managing director/CEO. Jaiz is listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Read the full announcement.
Nictus Holdings Limited (NSX:NHL) has appointed Ms Corlia A. Snyman as an executive director. Nictus is listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange. Read the full announcement.
Chobe Holdings Limited (BSE:CHO) has appointed Ms Kwenantle Otukile as a non-executive director. Chobe is listed on the Botswana Stock Exchange. Read the full announcement.
EOH Holdings Limited (JSE:EOH), a technology group, has appointed Ms Ashona Kooblall as an executive director and group chief financial officer. EOH is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Read the full announcement.
Vodacom Group Limited (JSE:VOD) has appointed two new directors: Mr JH Reiter and Mr GS Kamath. Vodacom is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Read the full announcement.
Kibo Energy Plc (LSE:KIBO; JSE: KBO) has appointed Mr Clive Roberts as a director and non-executive chair. Kibo is listed on both the London AIM and Johannesburg stock exchanges. Read the full announcement.
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